PORT ANGELES – Police say that one man charged in the weekend vandalism spree at Port Angeles High School confessed to them and said that the school was actually vandalized twice that morning, according to court documents.
The Port Angeles Police Department filed a court document Wednesday with details of what they said 18-year old Christopher Brogan, who was charged Tuesday, told them.
The police statements also shed light on how officers came to arrest two others in the vandalism: a 14-year old boy and Nathan Terry, 18, who was formally charged in Clallam County Superior Court on Thursday.
Officers were led to Terry by high school students who heard him and the 14-year old brag about the vandalism, according to the statement.
Terry and Brogan have each been charged with second degree burglary, second degree arson, first and second degree malicious mischief and third degree theft.
Terry had been held since Monday. Charges were filed against him Thursday.