PORT ANGELES — A lawsuit challenging the proposed Oak Street hotel and conference center’s shoreline permit and conditional use permit was filed Tuesday in Clallam County Superior Court.
The lawsuit names the city of Port Angeles, Port of Port Angeles, state Department of Ecology and the state Shoreline Hearings Board as defendants.
It was filed by Best Western Olympic Lodge owner Tod McClaskey Jr.; Chris and Carolyn Muir, who live on West Second Street; and Paul Hoque, who lives on South Cherry Street, Port Angeles.
The Muirs and Hoque live on the bluff overlooking the project’s waterfront site.
“We’re just trying to get the city to keep thinking about this project and reconsider,” McClaskey said Wednesday in a telephone interview.
“We just so adamantly believe this project makes no financial sense and feel we just have to keep hammering that home.
“Unfortunately, legally is the only way we can get people to listen to us,” McClaskey said.
The rest of the story appears in the Thursday Peninsula Daily News.