PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Lions Club’s “Lion of the Year” is Dan Dodd.
Dodd was presented with the award for his leadership in the club’s wheelchair ramp construction projects, said Larry Kelly of the club’s public relations committee.
During the 69th installation of officers June 10 at the Lincoln Center, the guest speaker, District Gov. Gary Reidel of Wilder Auto Center of Port Angeles, installed officers for the 2011-12 year.
Outgoing President Nancy Sievers expressed her feelings about the past year’s success and was very appreciative of each Lions member for their community service efforts.
Incoming President Kevin Borde outlined his goals for the coming year and thanked all Lions for their continued community support.
Other officers installed are Vickie Brewer, first vice president; Judy Fletcher, second vice-president; Ken Simpson, third vice president; Tammy Jones, secretary; and Tim Boyle, treasurer.
Both Jones and Boyle received awards for their dedication to the Port Angeles Lions Club.
Thomas E. Marvin and Howard “Scooter” Chapman were installed as Lion Tamers, and Bert Fletcher as Tail Twister.
Irma Stennes is the second-year director, while Fletcher, Jerry Austin and Larry Buckley are one-year directors.
Sievers is in charge of membership.
Both Sievers, outgoing president, and Kelly, past zone chairman, were awarded Life Membership Certificates for Lions Foundation of Canada for their help with the spring district conference which brought more than 240 people to Port Angeles April 29-May 1.
Sievers also awarded Chapman a Special Presidential Achievement award for his leadership as chairman of the spring conference.
At the conference, Chapman, a past zone chairman for the club and an announcer for KONP radio, received an International President’s Award of Appreciation — the fourth highest award in the International Lions Club, and a chevron for 50 years of service.