PORT ANGELES — The first of several agreements with Clallam County to coordinate development east of the city limits was unanimously approved by the City Council on Tuesday.
“I want to say this is one of my prouder moments as a county commissioner,” County Commission Chairman Mike Chapman said.
“It’s a historic night.”
The agreement will be on the county commissioners’ Tuesday agenda, Chapman said.
The 25-year agreement takes effect after approval by both the city and county.
The agreement addresses development in the city’s eastern urban growth zone, the residential and commercial areas along U.S. Highway 101 between DelGuzzi Drive and Morse Creek.
The area includes several car dealerships, the current and future Wal-Mart, Les Schwab Tire Center and a new Safeway supermarket complex as well as the Gales Addition, Bay Loop and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods.
Under the agreement, Port Angeles will not attempt to annex any of those areas until 2015.
It also divides the eastern urban growth area into five areas for future annexation and outlines the order they will be added to the city.