PORT ANGELES — The top executive of the Peninsula College Foundation stressed the foundation’s local roots and support to the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce on Monday.
Foundation Executive Director Maitland Peet was guest speaker at the chamber’s weekly luncheon meeting at the Port Angeles CrabHouse restaurant.
“Your local support is so important to the college,” Peet said.
“A majority of the foundation funding comes from local individual contributions and local business support.”
Peninsula-based contributions help the foundation provide student scholarships, curriculum enrichment, support services such as equipment upgrades, faculty enrichment and enhancement of the athletic program, he said.
Foundation purpose
Peet gave an overview on the foundation and explained what it does to support the community college.
“We exist to raise awareness about the college and to involve people in philanthropy for higher education on the North Olympic Peninsula,” he said.
Peet said the foundation is dedicated to helping the college:
* Attract and retain faculty of the highest caliber.
* Support the learning process with the most up-to-date technology and library resources.
* Develop new college programs.
* Develop capacity for delivery of baccalaureate and graduate degrees.
* Expand international student and faculty exchange programs.
* Preserve and enhance classroom environments that foster one-on-one faculty-student exchanges.
“In the future we want to support the offering of four-year degrees, and the college is looking at health care, tourism and education as possibilities,” Peet said.
Peet could not comment on a timeline for the development of the programs.
He said the foundation assists the college by “friend-raising and fund-raising” through recruiting the support of individual contributions, private foundations, public support including federal, state and regional funds, corporate and business sponsors and hosting special events.
Supporting Westport
When asked what the foundation will do to accommodate the educational needs of Westport Shipyard Inc. officials Peet said the foundation would support college’s efforts.
Peninsula College is expected to be the source of trained workers for the firm after it constructs a plant for building mega-yachts on the Port Angeles waterfront.
Westport officials have said they plan to provide about 200 industrial-wage jobs.
Peet said the college foundation is guided by a 14- to 28-member board of governors.
As of Dec. 31, the foundation’s total funds — which includes unrestricted, permanently and temporarily restricted funds — totaled $929,977
The Peninsula College main campus is located in Port Angeles, but extension sites in Port Townsend and Forks offer programming, and classes are offered in Sequim.