PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles High School students will dress like their elders on the first day of Roughrider Spirit Week on Monday.
A slate of events is planned leading up to the Friday night homecoming game against North Mason and the Saturday night homecoming dance.
Along with the spirit dress theme of “Dress Like a Senior Citizen” on Monday, a Buff Puff game is planned at 7 p.m. at the main gym at Port Angeles High School, 304 E. Park Ave.
Admission will be a can of food, a personal hygiene item or an acceptable pair of shoes for donation.
Tuesday will be “tie-dye and crazy hair day” and will feature a lunchtime disc jockey jam at the student center.
On Wednesday, students are asked to wear class colors. A flag football game and tug o’ war competition is planned at 7 p.m. at Elks Field, with admission a can of food, a personal hygiene item or an acceptable pair of shoes for donation.
Thursday will be “class game theme dress day.” Class themes are Candyland for seniors, Monopoly for juniors, Clue for sophomores and Life for freshmen.
The day of the game, Friday, students will be asked to wear the school colors of green and white.
After a homecoming assembly where royalty will be crowned, a homecoming parade will start at 5:30 p.m. at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., and end at Civic Field at Third and Race streets, where the varsity game will begin at 7 p.m.
Halftime entertainments will include performances by the high school marching band, cheer squad and dance team. It will feature homecoming royalty and a carriage race.
The homecoming dance will be from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the main gym at the high school.
Tickets must be purchased before 3 p.m. Friday. They will not be sold at the door.