PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles School Board unanimously extended Superintendent Gary Cohn’s contract by one year during its Monday night meeting at Choice Community School.
This is Cohn’s fifth year with the district, and his contract was set to expire at the end of the 2006-07 school year.
Cohn’s contract will now expire at the end of the 2008-09 school year, putting it at the state’s three-year maximum for school superintendent contracts.
Cohn said his focus in the years to come will be on curriculum improvement, professional development and enhancing the kindergarten program.
Pay schedules extended
The board also approved extension of the salary pay raise schedules for district administrators on Monday.
The extension ensures administrators at the top of their pay brackets will continue to receive annual raises for the next two years.
The measure passed by a 4-1 vote with School Board member Cindy Kelly dissenting.
“I feel the administration is doing a great job, but due to the financial problems the district is in, I couldn’t agree to it,” Kelly said.
Extending the pay schedule is something the board has taken action on annually, except for one, that School Board President Jeff Hinds said he could remember.
The year the board didn’t take action was due to an oversight that was not intentional, he said.
Some of the positions affected by the pay raise extension include assistant superintendent, director of business and finance and school principals.
However, Cohn’s salary was not increased by the extension.
Cohn currently makes $112,135 and has a 2 percent minimum annual increase built into his contract.