PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles School Board members considered the priorities and timeline of planning for a capital levy proposed for the February ballot at a workshop.
The workshop Friday was part of two days of planning by the board, which continued to meet Saturday.
The school board is expected to consider in November and December a resolution to place a capital levy on the February ballot.
Priorities include moving sixth-grade students to Stevens Middle School to free up space at the elementary schools; providing additional capacity, including an expanded commons and lunchroom at Stevens; possibly allotting more space for eighth-grade students; constructing a new building at Port Angeles High School and studying the Lincoln Center as a potential location for sixth- or eighth-grade students.
Within two weeks, architects will provide the school board with more precise cost estimates of these projects, board President Joshua Jones said. Nolan Duce, director of maintenance and operations, provided some estimates during a presentation of the capital facilities plan at a Sept. 14 meeting.
Several regular and special meetings will be devoted to determining the scope, cost projections and focus of a proposed capital levy between Oct. 10 and Nov. 9 when the board is set to finalize the capital levy package.
The special meeting times were tentatively slotted for 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Regular school board meetings occur at 7 p.m.
Final meeting dates, times and locations will be posted on the district’s website at https://www.portangelesschools.org/ as they approach.
At a facility advisory committee meeting Tuesday, Oct. 10, members will review prior planning, focus of projects, environmental goals and space implications.
A special school board meeting Thursday, Oct. 12, will review educational priorities and needs at all levels, the capital levy’s potential scope and cost projections.
A facility advisory committee meeting Oct. 17 will review the early scope and cost options and determine priorities.
A regular school board meeting Oct. 19 will review scope and cost projections.
A facility advisory committee meeting Oct. 24 will refine scope and cost options and finalize a levy package recommendation for presentation to the school board.
During a regular school board meeting Nov. 2 the facility advisory committee will present recommendations for the levy package and the board, in turn, will suggest refinements.
A special school board meeting Nov. 9 is expected to finalize the capital levy package, with the board having a first reading of the resolution in a special meeting Nov. 30. A second reading would take place Dec. 7 and the board potentially would adopt the resolution at that regular meeting.
The facility advisory committee will consist of three representatives for Stevens Middle School, three representatives for Port Angeles High School, three community members, one elementary school principal and two school board members.