PORT ANGELES — After months of debate on proposed budget cuts, Port Angeles School District officials now say they may not have to lay off any teachers prior to the 2002-2003 school year.
Superintendent Gary Cohn now believes the district can avoid staff cuts through voluntary employee moves, resignations and retirements.
“I don’t think there will be any RIFing (reduction of force) of teachers,” Superintendent Gary Cohn told School Board members late Monday.
But a union representative for teachers said Tuesday he is skeptical of Cohn’s comment.
“It is certainly good news, but I am still a little wary,” said Barry J. Burnett, president of the Port Angeles Education Association.
“In my discussions with the district, we did not know for sure how many people were leaving the district.”
At the height of debate over required $1.7 million in budget cuts, the district had considered school closures, teacher layoffs and other measures.
Last month, the board approved cutting 12.1 teaching positions from its 280 full-time teacher ranks.