PORT ANGELES — If the architects get the OK by June 1 and follow-up decisions are made quickly, the International Gateway Transportation Center could be out to bid by mid-October.
That was the message to the Gateway Review Team on Monday afternoon.
The project could begin construction in January and be completed in nine months, unless significant environmental investigation is required, said Clallam Transit System General Manager Dan Di Guilio.
If the Federal Transit Administration wants a more in-depth study of the project excavation’s effect on soils, water and traffic, that schedule could be set back, he said.
Gateway is intended to be an attractive entrance to the downtown, with a pedestrian mall, large decorative sails and a Chamber of Commerce visitor center, in addition to being a parking area for up to six Clallam Transit buses.
The rest of the story appears in the Tuesday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE, above, to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.