PORT ANGELES — Two top city officials will travel to Indonesia for one week in April as part of a federally funded goodwill program.
City Manager Michael Quinn and Public Works Director Glenn Cutler will travel to Tanjung Redep, also known as Tanjung Redeb, on the east coast of the island of Borneo.
The Indonesian city almost on the equator has grown 80 percent in 12 years and now has a population of 120,000.
The City Council voted 6-1 this week to allow Port Angeles to participate in the Building Institutions of Good Governance program, which provides technical expertise from U.S. cities to those in developing countries.
Port Angeles is one of four U.S. cities participating in 2004, along with Tigard and Coos Bay, Ore., and Savannah, Ga.
Tanjung Redep is similar to Port Angeles because the Indonesian city and region of Kalimantan is also heavily forested, has natural resources and hosts the largest pulp and paper mill in Southeast Asia, Quinn told the council.