PORT ANGELES — The YMCA’s new teen center, with rooms full of color and youth entertainment, celebrates its grand opening Dec. 13 with a DJ dance, a pool tournament and free food.
The event at The Y House, as the new youth center is called, runs from 7 p.m.-11 p.m. The converted three-bedroom house owned by the YMCA is at 723 E. 4th St., across the alley from the YMCA.
“We’re in the process of creating some programs to provide activities for kids to do and keep them out of trouble,” said Jon Kauffman, teen programs aid. Stacy Poirier is The Y House director.
The Y House hosts up to 50 members ages 13 to 19, and is open 3 to 8:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday, 3 p.m. to midnight on Fridays and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays.
The Y House has a black game room with glow-in-the-dark paint and stars, a bright green and yellow pool-table room and a bright green and blue big-screen TV room, said Kaufmann. Record turntables are also available in the game for mixing music. Two Internet-wired computers will also help students with schoolwork, he said.
The rest of the story appears in the Monday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE, above, to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.