PORT TOWNSEND — Whether two contested members of a city ethics board will remain seated could be decided by the third member of the panel.
Port Townsend City Councilwoman Freida Fenn has said she has questions about how fair members Edel Sokol and Barbara Pastore could be in the process of evaluating a complaint filed against her.
The third board member, Eric Kuzma, is uncontested by both Fenn as well as by complainants Al Frank and Bryn and Leola Armstrong.
Under a recommendation presented by Port Angeles attorney Craig Ritchie, who Kuzma hired for independent counsel, the process will go like this:
* Fenn submits written material alleging fairness issues with board members.
* Any board member challenged submits a written response.
* Kuzma makes a recommendation as to whether the objection stands or not.
The process could be completed early this week.