PORT TOWNSEND — Citing projected 10 percent budget cuts in school district sports, an advisory task force asked Port Townsend School Board to cut costs and encourage the community to pinch-hit.
“We all know that there are going to be cuts,” said Colin Foden, the Athletics Advisory Task Force member who presented the panel’s findings during a School Board meeting this week.
“There are certain things that the schools can do to cut costs and increase its revenue, and we can also assist that process,” Foden said.
The three main recommendations made be the athletics committee are:
* A policy statement describing the cost-saving opportunities in transportation and the legal and insurance requirements needed to fulfill these opportunities.
* A policy statement recognizing Save Our Sports, an existing community fund-raising organization, as a parent-driven organization fully supported by the school district and acknowledging its long-term value to the athletics programs.
* A policy stating that before any sport is cut because of district budget deficits, there will first be timely and active participation by Save Our Sports to meet the shortfall.
With school enrollment consistently dropping, school administrators are bracing for severe revenue cuts that would reduce the level of established academic and athletic programs.
“I don’t think the school district can do all the things that are needed to be done,” said Foden.