PORT TOWNSEND — The city’s two big construction projects — City Hall renovation and fire station construction — are on schedule and within the estimated budget, city administrators say.
However, a $750,000 shortfall associated constructing an annex building next to the historical City Hall remains.
Construction crews are aiming toward finishing the $2.1 million fire station to a late-May completion date.
“It might go a little longer than that, but the actual contract date is the end of June,” said Ken Clow, city public works director.
“Right now, workers are stuccoing the outside of the building, finalizing the exterior framing and putting all the wallboard inside.”
Federal grants cover 75 percent of the project, with the state providing money for 12.5 percent, Clow said.
The city foots the rest of the bill.
City Hall project
The ambitious, $5.4 million City Hall renovation and annex construction project, which began in January, so far has revealed few surprises.
The work on replacing exterior brick mortar on walls facing Madison and Water streets is nearing completion.
Dawson Construction Inc. crews installed seismic reinforcement in the basement of the 112-year-old building, adding two large concrete blocks.
During installation, one of the seismic anchors broke, but was successfully replaced, Clow said.
As part of the renovation, all the windows have been removed from the City Hall building and are now being restored.