People are invited to help develop a vision for downtown Port Angeles from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Monday in the Elks Ballroom, 131 E. First St.
“One of the most successful tools for downtown revitalization is a common vision for what the downtown district should be in the future,”‘ said John Brewer, president of the Port Angeles Downtown Association.
“By reaching consensus about goals for the downtown and the direction that the revitalization program should proceed, the revitalization program is much more likely to succeed.”
During a facilitated discussion by Sheri Stuart of The National Main Street Center, community members will answer questions about the downtown commercial district and ways to improve it.
After answering these questions, participants will break into small groups to discuss and identify their priority issues and ideas for the downtown.
Following the small group discussions, the full group will reconvene to develop and prioritize a comprehensive list of issues and project ideas.
The group will then vote on its top priorities.
Myriad participants
Participants will include business and property owners, city officials, residents, representatives of civic organizations, tribal representatives, media, industrial and corporate representatives, and other interested parties.
After the facilitated discussion, Stuart will distill the information identified during the session and develop a draft vision statement for the downtown.
The vision statement identifies the community’s dreams for the downtown district in the future.
The priority projects will be sorted and incorporated into a draft action plan that will provide the Downtown Association a basis for its annual work plan.
From 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, the draft vision statement and work plan will be presented to the group in its consolidated form.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss any desired modifications to the vision and the work plan, and the next steps for implementation will be reviewed.
A light meal and beverages will be served at the Monday meeting.
People interested in participating should contact the Downtown Association office at 360-457-9614, send an e-mail to or mail to P.O. Box 582, Port Angeles, WA 98362, by 9 a.m. Monday.