The fledgling Adopt a Beach program has found volunteers for most Strait of Juan de Fuca beaches in eastern Clallam County but could use more for those on the western side, said Jon Schmidt, coordinator of Washington CoastSavers.
“We’ve heard from a lot of people who are interested,” Schmidt said Friday. “The program is in its infancy. We’re busy figuring out the specifics.”
Through the program, Washington CoastSavers, in partnership with Clallam County’s Park Department, seeks small groups or families who agree to clean a particular beach during the Washington Coast Cleanup, the International Coastal Cleanup and at least one other time throughout the year.
“Most of our eastern beaches are covered,” Schmidt said, mentioning Dungeness Spit and Cline Spit in particular.
Those west of Port Angeles need volunteers. Beaches include Clallam Bay, Pillar Point, Salt Creek and Freshwater Bay.
For more information, see Contact Schmidt at to adopt a beach.