Projects planned throughout Clallam County for Day of Service

Day of Service projects are planned throughout Clallam County on Saturday.

Since the terrorist attacks 10 years ago, Sept. 11 has been set aside as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Volunteer projects in Clallam County will be the day before the anniversary.

Projects are organized through the United Way of Clallam County, which is kicking off its annual fundraising campaign on the National Day of Service.

This year’s goal is to raise $1,002,011.

Tom and Jackie Baermann are co-chairs of the campaign.

The 2011 United Way volunteer coordinator for activities and volunteer groups is Patrick Downie, Port Angeles City Councilman.

Hundreds of volunteers

Downie estimated that between 200 and 300 volunteers would turn out Saturday.

“I can’t think of a more ennobling or helpful way to honor those who sacrificed and gave their lives on 9/11 than to give public service,” Downie said.

“It’s beneficial to those who are served and, for those who provide the service, their own lives are enriched and blessed as a result of the service they give.”

Projects will include yard work, landscaping, painting, cleanup and home repairs.

Times for projects are from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. or until done.

United Good Neighbors in Jefferson County plans Day of Service projects Friday, Sept. 16.

Kickoff ceremonies for the day in both Sequim and Port Angeles will be at 8:30 a.m. with Boy Scouts leading flag salutes .

The Sequim kickoff will be at the Sequim City Hall flagpole at 152 W. Cedar St., while the Port Angeles ceremony will be at City Pier.

On Saturday, the city of Sequim is collaborating with United Way to coordinate projects and volunteers and has a variety of projects ready for volunteers.


Members of the Sequim City Council and city staff will join with community volunteers to participate in a morning of community service projects.

City of Sequim projects will include cleanup of Bell Creek, weeding and spreading bark along the landscaping strip on Blake Avenue at the Water Reuse Demonstration Park, work on the Dog Agility Park at Carrie Blake Park and painting fire hydrants throughout the city.

Because the project will take place throughout the city, if volunteers want to be part of the fire hydrant painting team, they need to meet at City Hall at 8:30 a.m.

If other volunteers are unable to meet until later in the morning, they should go directly to the Water Reuse Demonstration Park.

The parking lot there will be closed from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The city of Sequim will provide as much equipment as possible for the scheduled projects, but volunteers are encouraged to bring shovels, rakes and gloves for use during the work session.

Other Sequim projects are:

■ Sequim Food Bank — Painting and reorganizing interior and landscaping exterior.

■ Sequim unit of Boys & Girls Clubs of Olympic Peninsula — Landscaping.

■ First Teacher playground — Weeding, cleanup of playground and reorganizing the library.

■ Volunteer Chore Services — Landscaping, home repair for an elderly client.

■ Olympic Community Action Programs Head Start in Sequim — Removal and replacement of bushes.

Port Angeles

Several projects are planned in Port Angeles. They are:

■ Healthy Families of Clallam County — Paint interior rooms at one of the shelters.

■ Serenity House — Landscaping and painting at Serenity House’s Maloney Heights.

■ City Pier — Painting and weeding mounting historical displays related to the Elwha dams removal project, which will begin the following week.

■ First Step Family Support Center — Cleaning and maintenance.

Three projects that had been tentatively set for Saturday have been postponed at least one week, Downie said.

They are:

■ A project to build flower boxes and redo some block masonry at St. Andrew’s Place has been postponed to Saturday, Sept. 17.

■ Landscaping and painting at Olympic Community Action Programs Head Start on Francis Street and at Hamilton School probably also will be Sept. 17, Downie said.

■ Interior painting of the Port Angeles unit of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula will be either Sept. 17 or later, he said.

Projects also are planned in Joyce and Forks.

West End

■ Crescent School — Finishing a landscaping project. Volunteers will meet at the Joyce school at 9 a.m.

■ Forks Abuse Program — Exterior painting and landscaping. Volunteers will meet at Forks Abuse at 9 a.m.

Volunteers can phone United Way at 360-457-3011, meet at the opening ceremonies in Port Angeles and Sequim, or just show up at the projects.

For more information, visit

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