PORT ANGELES — A plan to add 50 cents to daily admission to the Clallam County Fair must get more study from the folks who run the summer’s signature event.
County commissioners Tuesday approved about 60 hikes in parks and fair fees but delayed action on the gate increases until the Fair Advisory Board can examine other options.
The fair board already voted not to endorse the higher admissions sought by county staff, but it didn’t offer alternatives to find the $13,000 the new prices would produce.
The fair, with “Encore PerFARMance” as its theme, will run from Aug. 14 through Aug. 17 at the fairgrounds, 1608 W. 16th St.
The Fair Advisory Board is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. Feb. 6 in the fairgrounds Kitchen Building.
Craig Jacobs, county public works director, said the increases are necessary to meet rising costs of fuel and other commodities.