PORT TOWNSEND – A longtime Port Townsend businessman and community volunteer who led the fund-raising effort to renovate old City Hall was named the 2006 Port Townsend Citizen of the Year on Sunday.
“My parents raised me to try to leave the world at least as good as I found it, and I hope I will leave Port Townsend at least as good as I found it,” said David Hero, who accepted the award Sunday from Port Townsend Leader publisher Scott Wilson.
The weekly newspaper sponsors the award with the Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, Westsound Bank and Printery ComÂmuniÂcaÂtions.
Named Port Townsend 2006 Business Leaders of the Year were Reto and Jana Filli, who were on vacation and could not attend the award ceremony.
They are owners of Circle and Square domestic and imported car repair of Port Hadlock, known for its green business practices, customer service and employment practices.
The presentations took place in front of more than 100 attending the annual awards event brunch at Fort Worden State Park Commons.