PORT ANGELES — Opponents of the Washington Alder sawmill proposed for the former Critchfield property near the airport took their message to the streets Friday morning.
About 30 members of a group calling itself the Dry Creek Coalition demonstrated outside Port of Port Angeles’ headquarters on First Street.
They waved signs, shouted slogans and handed out flyers.
The group also paid for a quarter-page advertisement in Friday’s Peninsula Daily News to state their case against the proposed alder mill.
“There’s better locations than what they are recommending, three abandoned sawmills at least, instead of contaminating more land,” said Mary Bennett, who stood holding a sign at the intersection of First Street and Marine Drive.
“My other concern is the location of the school.
“The kids are involved, too. The area doesn’t warrant that much traffic.”
Sabrina Murray, who lives on the Elwha Bluffs, said she checked out the company’s Mount Vernon sawmill.
There’s not a home around it, while this one would have up to 200 homes nearby.
“It shouldn’t be located on Edgewood Drive,” she argued.
“It makes me sad. We also should have been told sooner, so we could have a chance to protest it.”