PORT ANGELES — After several hours in an emergency room, Edwin Swagerty, 17, is going to be OK, family and friends say.
And from now on, his best friend says, the skateboarder will wear a helmet.
The Port Angeles boy spent nearly five hours in the Olympic Medical Center emergency room Tuesday, said his 19-year-old sister, Validia Swagerty.
His back and unprotected head had slammed against the concrete at the Port Angeles Skate Park at Race and Second streets just before 3 p.m., said Sgt. Jack Lowell of the Port Angeles Police Department.
He wasn’t wearing a helmet, said Gabriel Connors, 17, who described himself as the injured boy’s best friend.
“None of us were,” Connors said.
“We will be wearing helmets from now on.
“It scared me, for sure.”