PORT ANGELES — The site of the former Burger King at 110 N. Alder St. may soon be occupied for the first time in five years.
Sound Community Bank is eyeing the location, which has been vacant since the spring of 2003, and is negotiating a lease agreement with the owners, Pat and Betty Quinn of Gig Harbor.
“I’m hopeful we will negotiate a lease in 30 days,” said Laurie Stewart, bank president and chief executive officer.
The Port Angeles Planning Department approved an interior demolition permit to the company for the location on July 22, but the company must have the lease signed before the permit can take effect, Stewart said.
Stewart said the permit allows the company to conduct construction work inside the building, but doesn’t allow it to demolish the structure.
The company chose the location because it is accessible from First and Front streets, Stewart said.
The company has had a branch in Sequim for 11 years, Stewart said.
A location in Port Angeles would be its sixth.
Stewart, who is originally from Port Angeles, said the company would be beneficial to the people in town because of its “hometown approach.”
“Each of our branches operates as their community bank, with a personalized loan officer that is authorized to make decisions,” she said.