PORT ANGELES — A new Septic 201 Do-It-Yourself will be offered in June.
Because of the high level of interest from on-site septic system owners, the Clallam County Health and Human Services Environmental Health Section added the class to its schedule.
The new class is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 5 in Room 160 in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St.
Previously scheduled classes have filled rapidly, so early registration is urged.
The class is for homeowners who want to become certified to inspect their own septic system.
Septics 101 — either the in-person class or online version at www.clallam.net/Septics101 — is a prerequisite for this class.
The material covered explains how to safely inspect a septic system and includes an instructional video, a brief demonstration and a short exam.
Not all septic systems are eligible for homeowner inspection. Systems in the Marine Recovery Area between Bagley Creek watershed and east to the county boundary must first be inspected by a licensed septic inspector.
Septic inspections are required by state law.
Gravity septic systems must be inspected every three years. All other systems are inspected annually.
Pumping is not the same as an inspection.
To register or check system eligibility, visit www.clallam.net/septic or phone 360-417-2350.
An online Septic 201 Do-It-Yourself version of the class is available at www.clallam.net/Septics201DIY.
For information, phone Sue Waldrip at the department at 360-417-2350.