SEQUIM — The Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center has hired a new director.
Taylor McDonald of Glenwood Springs, Colo., will replace retiring SARC Director Sue Jacobs on Monday, board Chairwoman Susan Sorensen said.
The transition marks the first major personnel change at the center at 610 N. Fifth Ave., Sequim, in almost 20 years.
Jacobs has been a SARC employee since the facility opened in Sequim in 1988. She has been the director since 1992.
“As the director, Sue Jacobs has been the face, heart and soul of SARC for almost 20 years,” Sorensen said in a statement.
“Under her able management, leadership and guidance, SARC has prospered during the good times and major expansions but, more importantly, survived in spite of a failed maintenance/operations levy.
“She has been a continuing pleasure to work with, and the board wishes her the best in her well-deserved retirement.”
McDonald brings more than a decade of experience in the management and operations of aquatic facilities.
“We have a great person coming,” Jacobs said.
She has an extensive background in recreation, including officiating adult sports leagues, programming youth activities and teaching fitness classes, Sorensen said.
Enjoys biking, camping
McDonald earned her bachelor’s degree in recreation management from East Carolina University. She enjoys biking, camping and swimming.
“Taylor is just dynamic,” Sorensen said.
“The community is really going to like her.”
Sorensen said the selection process was “comprehensive and unbiased.”
SARC board members reviewed the applications and selected finalists for follow-up personal interviews. Candidates were screened for their educational and professional backgrounds.
The center has a full-size Olympic pool with dry and steam saunas, a hydrotherapy pool, a water slide, workout equipment, a gymnasium and two racquetball courts.
“It has something for everyone,” Sorensen said.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at