The Sequim City Council has approved a schedule for consideration of a storm and surface water master plan, the first of its kind ever crafted for the city, that will take several months and extend into 2016.
Council approved the timeline last Monday.
The draft storm- and surface water master plan outlines three tiers of possible work ranging from $702,000 to $3.24 million.
The three tiers separate short- and long-term goals.
The plan can be read online at
Public comment can be made at the city’s interpretive center at the Water Reuse Demonstration Site at 500 N. Blake Ave. on Wednesdays and Thursday.
The center is staffed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Wednesdays and from noon to 2 p.m. Thursdays. Residents can view displays and videos there.
Comment also can be made to Ann Soule, project manager, at 360-582-2436 or
The plan was prepared by Herrera Environmental Consultants Inc., a Seattle-based consultant group.
Herrera has billed the city about $96,000 through May for the service, Soule said.
The city in 2014 was awarded a Centennial Clean Water grant from state Department of Ecology to cover outreach and planning costs — plus some monitoring and implementation costs — reimbursing the city 75 percent of eligible costs, she said.
Potential capital projects will be reviewed Aug. 10 and operational activities will be considered on Aug. 24.
In September, city staff will request council acceptance of the content of each tier.
The next stage involves internal staff and outside consultants’ analysis of the cost of implementing each tier using different funding strategies.
These results will undergo public and city Planning Commission review before being presented to the newly elected City Council in early 2016.