SEQUIM — It could be years down the road, but a new City Hall looks good on paper.
City Council members got a look Wednesday at an updated sketch from architect Ken Hays showing what a new building might look like.
Hays was commissioned by the council in 2002 to draft plans for a structure that would replace the current City Hall, which officials and council members agree is in need of expansion and consolidation.
The West Cedar Street complex houses executive offices, a customer lobby and a public works building with the city’s old fire hall sandwiched in between.
Council members meet in the Sequim Community Center, just west of the complex.
That is set for renovation next month as part of a federally funded transit center project.
Public Works Director Jim Bay was charged with exploring options on whether to build a new City Hall where the current one is, or find a larger piece of land on which to build.
While space on Cedar Street is at a premium, Hays told council members they may be better off keeping City Hall on it for a number of reasons.
He also said a second story and underground parking could offset limited space and avoid the need to purchase properties behind the current building, which the council had discussed at one time.