SEQUIM — This town, the fastest-growing in Clallam County, could face layoffs and cuts in services come January, Interim City Manager Robert Spinks warned the Sequim City Council Monday night.
What’s needed now, at the tip of the 2009 budget iceberg, Spinks added, is a “training day” for Sequim City Council members and city staff.
That session is set for 9 a.m. Sept. 6 at The Lodge at Sherwood Village, 660 Evergreen Farm Way, just off Fifth Avenue.
Spinks expects the meeting to run until noon.
The training will bring together the Sequim council’s four newer members, elected last November — Susan Lorenzen, Erik Erichsen, Mayor Pro Tem Ken Hays and Mayor Laura Dubois — and the three who’ve been in office many years — Paul McHugh, Bill Huizinga and former mayor Walt Schubert.
Key staffers, including two interim chiefs, will also take part in the training.
They’re Spinks, the city’s temporary manager since the council fired Bill Elliott on May 5, and city engineer Bill Bullock, the interim Public Works director.
While consultant Lee Walton leads the hunt for a permanent manager, the search for a successor for retired Public Works chief James Bay is on hold.