Six-year-old Leya Semsintaffar of Sequim, dressed as a good witch from the “Wizard of Oz,” takes a cellphone photo of her float, themed around characters of the movie at the start of Saturday’s Irrigation Festival Kiddie Parade through downtown Sequim. The parade was a featured event of the two-week festival’s kickoff weekend. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Sequim Irrigation Festival continues today, next weekend
SEQUIM — The 124th edition of the Sequim Irrigation Festival, the oldest continuing festival in the state, kicked off Friday and will continue today and next weekend.
Among the events Saturday was the Kids Parade and Family Fun Day.
Today the Sequim Irrigation Festival will continue with:
• The Innovative Arts and Crafts Fair from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. at Sequim Civic Plaza at the corner of Sequim Avenue and Cedar Street. Live music and demonstrations are planned along with a host of vendors.
• The third day of the Olympic Peninsula Art Associations’s Members Art Show, Sale and Auction from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Sequim Civic Center chambers at 152 Cedar St.
The Grand Finale Weekend will begin Thursday with a carnival off Fir Street at the Sequim High School Green Field and historic walking tours and continue through next Sunday.
Coming up are a golf tournament, more performances of Sequim High School’s “Legally Blonde” operetta, the Strongman Showdown, Logging Show, fireworks, fun run, Hot Roads & Harleys Show n’ Cruzz and the Grand Parade.
Sky Boehmer, 9, of Seattle pets a display duck at a booth set up by the Dungeness River Audubon Center during Family Fun Day on Saturday in downtown Sequim. The youngster later took first in the storybook character division of the festival’s Kiddie Parade. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Indira Reichner, 3, of Sequim prepares to pull a wagon carrying chickens in the Kiddie Parade. The youngster took first place in the parade’s pets category. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Olivia West, 12, of Sequim, along with her pony, Chrome, wait for the start of the Kiddie Parade on Saturday. The pair dressed up as characters from “The Wizard of Oz” to go along with the Irrigation Festival’s 2019 theme, “There’s No Place Like Home.” (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Greyson Rhodes, 5, and Emma Rhodes, 9, of Sequim, dress as the Wizard and Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz.” The pair were the overall winners of the Kiddie Parade. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Youngsters march along with musicians from Sequim High School playing kazoos in the Kiddie Parade. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Alivia Cummings of Sequim, top, and Annabelle Deleglise of Paris, France, both 6, try to ascend a climbing town during Saturday’s Irrigation Festival Family Fun Day in downtown Sequim. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Gail Van Horsen of Sequim examines artworks on display at Sequim City Hall on Family Fun Day. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Coleman Keate, 7, of Sequim pedals a stationary bicycle attached to a blender to make a smoothie created with human power at an activity booth set up by Molina Heathcare. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)