SEQUIM — An open house from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday will provide information on projects in Carrie Blake Park and on Blake Avenue that are expected to begin this summer.
The Sequim Public Works Department will host the open house at the Sequim Civic Center at 152 W. Cedar St.
One project is the Carrie Blake Community Park access road, waterline extension and pickleball court project.
It will construct a new access road to provide an entrance into the park from North Blake Avenue near Trinity United Methodist Church.
As part of the work, a water main will be extended into the park, and the existing Blake Avenue entrance will be closed to motor vehicles.
In partnership with the Sequim Picklers, the project will construct eight pickleball courts, located immediately east of the skate park as shown in the adopted Carrie Blake Park Master Plan.
The plan can be viewed on the city’s website at
Another project is the Blake Avenue sidewalk infill project.
This project entails improving pedestrian connectivity along the west side of North Blake Avenue by constructing a sidewalk near Gebhardt-Zwicker Park, where a gap currently exists.
It also includes replacing curb ramps and driveway approaches that do not meet American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and providing a new marked crosswalk across Blake Avenue at the new park entrance.
For more information, contact City Engineer Matt Klontz at 360-582-2472 or