PORT ANGELES — A six-hour closure of U.S. Highway 101 is planned between Lake Crescent Road at milepost 228 and Camp David Jr. Road at milepost 221 overnight Tuesday, Oct. 3 into Wednesday, Oct. 4.
There is not a six-hour closure scheduled this week.
The closure will be between 10 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3 and 4 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 4. Travelers needing to get around Lake Crescent during the overnight closure can use state Highway 112 as an alternate.
The six-hour closure is to allow crews to set up a crane for replacing the Eagle Creek culverts on the west end of the lake with a larger box culvert.
“The box culvert will be able to better handle large volumes of water during significant rain events and allow the passage of fish,” Olympic National Park said in a news release.
During the overnight closure, eastbound traffic will have access to Camp David Jr. Road and westbound traffic will have access to the Barnes Point area at Lake Crescent Road. Eastbound traffic will not have access to the Barnes Point area.
“Emergency vehicles will follow protocols established during communication meetings,” the park said.
During daylight hours, construction work will continue on other portions of the project outside the Eagle Creek area. Travelers on Highway 101 around Lake Crescent can continue to expect half-hour delays Mondays through Fridays during work hours.
Traveling in the morning before 8:30 a.m. and after 5:45 p.m. might help travelers avoid the half-hour delays.
The work is part of a three-year project to rehabilitate 12 miles of Highway 101 and 4 miles of East Beach Road at Lake Crescent. The National Park Service and Federal Highway Administration project began July 10.
For more information, see http://tinyurl.com/PDN-101delays.