JOYCE — A mudslide that closed Crescent Beach Road last week has stabilized, and Clallam County officials plan to reopen the road Jan. 4.
County Engineer Ross Tyler said crews will assess the site next Monday, clearing limbs and other debris.
The slide is located at Milepost 2.2 near the west end of Crescent Bay and north of Joyce.
County commissioners officially closed the road Dec. 21. Tyler recommended the closure in case more debris moves downhill.
There is no gate at the site, but rather a “road closed” sign that some local motorists have ignored.
A rainstorm earlier this month triggered the slide about 50 feet above the road. Large conifer trees piled up like Pick Up Stix, Tyler said.
Removing the trees could destabilize the slope, so the county will leave the trees alone.
Residents, emergency vehicles and school buses can reach Crescent Beach via Camp Hayden Road.
“This time of year it’s local traffic only,” Tyler said.
“In the summer, there is quite a bit of tourist traffic.”
Tyler said there are no other landslides affecting county roads.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at