SEQUIM — Soroptimist International of Sequim’s Medical Loan Closet has provided free durable medical equipment to ensure residents’ safety and comfort during times of illness, injury and healing for more than 55 years.
Over the last two years, it has loaned more than 2,500 pieces of equipment.
The Medical Loan Closet (MLC) has operated out of Sequim Stow Places, owned by the McHugh family, at 600 N. Sequim Ave., since 1986. But there are no heat, water or bathroom facilities in its current location. Soroptimist International is looking for a business or community organization that can take advantage of its nonprofit status to provide the MLC with an 800- to 1,000-square-foot space.
“The McHugh family has been very generous,” MLC co-chair Christine Snow said. “But we need a space that has lights, heat, water and bathroom facilities.”
The service is not just about loaning equipment, she said.
“We see husbands taking care of their wives, adult children taking care of their parents or grandparents, and neighbors taking care of each other,” Snow said. “Sometimes people just need someone to talk to. We schedule appointments 15 minutes apart so our volunteers can spend time talking to people.”
The Clallam Fire Department and CERT, which collaborate with Soroptimist International of Sequim to serve residents, endorse the service and support a move to a location that reflects its importance.
“I got tied in so I could quickly get equipment such as a walker or cane,” said Mark Karjalainen, MIH community paramedic. “Our partnership grew organically. It seems to me that volunteers deserve a place that has creature comforts, such as heat and access to a bathroom.”
John Viada, division chief of Sequim CERT, said: “No one person or organization can do it all. We respond to disasters and major emergencies that could leave a resident trapped in their home. Bringing medical equipment, such as a wheelchair, with us is crucial to our response.”
The collaboration with CERT and the Clallam County Fire Department attests to Sequim’s commitment to community-based services.
“We borrowed equipment from the closet when my husband had his hip replacement operation,” said Karen Hogan of Sequim. “It was a cold and dreary day, but the volunteer was gracious and helpful. It seems to me that the warmth of the service needs to be acknowledged. Moving the MLC to a space that provides room to grow as well as basic creature comforts for the volunteers recognizes that the service isn’t an afterthought. It is part and parcel of how we support our friends and neighbors.”
During a recent Irrigation Festival parade, the Soroptimist International of Sequim float received applause and cheers from Sequim residents lining the parade route.
“It was heartwarming,” Snow said. “People recognized what we do and showed their appreciation. It was gratifying.”
The MLC is available to all residents within the boundaries of the Sequim School District regardless of their economic status.
For more information about borrowing equipment from the MLC, call 360-504-0231. If a business can offer space, email