PORT ANGELES — “Sideshow: Full Steam Ahead,” a steampunk-soaked production, will arrive on the Alle Stage at Studio Bob, 118½ E. Front St., tonight (Saturday night).
“This show will take the audience on a wild ride,” promises producer Merryn Welch.
All ages are welcome at the 8 p.m. event, while tickets are $10 in advance at Odyssey Books, 114 W. Front St., and at brownpapertickets.com or $15 at the door tonight.
The Sideshow band has a new lineup, Welch noted: Rondo Barracuda, Samara Riba, Chelsea Palmer and Kaitlan Cargo have joined her and members Natalie Wilson, Matt McCarthy, Chuck Burnell, Matthew Finley, and Welch’s son, Danny Roullo.
Surprise guests also will arrive for a show Welch calls not only “spooky [and] macabre” but also “somewhat flirty, with dashes of humor and of course, the controversial.”
“This is a show I am very proud of,” she said, adding that local theater artist Richard Stephens will serve as master of ceremonies.
He’s “the very epitome of grace and professionalism,” Welch said, adding, “he has a few tricks up his sleeve.”
The night will include a costume contest, so audience members are encouraged to come in their best steampunk finery.
Welch also invites revelers to stay for the music of Rogue’s End, her band featuring Preston Hughes, Kelly McMurdo and guests including Natalie Wilson.
To find out more about tonight’s event, phone Welch at 360-797-3903 or see the “Sideshow Full Steam Ahead” page on Facebook.