Here is the Port Angeles Police Department news release on the finding of stolen mail in and around Port Angeles. A full report will appear in Tuesday’s Peninsula Daily News.
Mail Theft in Port Angeles, Sequim and County
At approximately 0800 hours on 3-16-08 a number of citizen complaints came into Pencom Dispatch regarding a large amount of mail abandoned along the side of the road in the 3100 block of S. Laurel Street. Corporal Barb McFall responded to the area and found a large amount of opened and torn mail dumped in a large pile along the side of the road. The 3100 block of S. Laurel is wooded and brushy on both sides with no residences in the area. The mail all appeared to be postmarked on 3-14-08.
The mail on Laurel Street is the 3rd account of stolen mail found this weekend. On 3-15-08 Officer Dallas Maynard responded to calls in the 700 block of W 15th Street and the 1700 block of W 8th Street reporting piles of stolen mail. Mail found on 3-15-08 was all from the west side of Port Angeles between “A” and “L” Streets and 6th and 15th Streets.
The mail found on 3-16-08 was from the Sequim area, Monroe Road, and the Gales Addition areas of the County as well as Port Angeles. The mail from Port Angeles was from the area of 3rd and Cherry, E. 5th Street, Park Avenue, Motor Avenue, Columbus Ave, Forest Ave., Fogarty Street, and S. Laurel Street. There is no way to know how many residences were affected. Found mail in the city came from approximately 15-20 different residences.
Mail from the county area was turned over to the Clallam County Sheriff’s Department. Port Angeles PD will be contacting citizens on 3-19-08 regarding recovered mail. Port Angeles PD will be working with the Postal Inspector regarding the mail thefts. The majority of the thefts occured from mailboxes that are located on the curbside and were perhaps left in the mailbox overnight.