LAPUSH — A man who went overboard from a crab fishing boat Sunday was identified Monday as 24-year-old Benjamin Gillock of Birch Bay, near Blaine.
The search for Gillock was suspended at about 5:30 p.m. Sunday after Coast Guard personnel searched for more than seven hours for the man in the ocean about 20 miles off the coast, said Petty Officer Colin White, a Coast Guard spokesman for Sector Seattle.
Gillock had been wearing his work gear and a rain jacket when he went overboard about 10:30 a.m. Sunday but was not wearing a life jacket, Coast Guard rescuers were told.
“The sun had gone down, and they were searching for more than seven hours,” White said.
“Given the environmental conditions, the chances of survivability were beyond our threshold and the decision was made to suspend the search.”
Officially suspended
Although the Coast Guard doesn’t officially presume the condition of a lost person, the search is suspended unless new information comes in, he said.
The man was aboard the Bellingham-based crab boat the Vicious Fisher.
Coast Guard Station Quillayute River sent two 47-foot motor lifeboat crews, and Coast Guard Group/Air Station Astoria, Ore., dispatched an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter.
After nightfall, the ViciousFisher continued to Neah Bay for the night.
Although the case is officially suspended, anyone with further information on the incident is asked to phone Coast Guard Group/Air Station Port Angeles at 360-417-5840
Reporter Paige Dickerson can be reached at 360-417-3535 or at