PORT ANGELES — As many as 90 teenagers from Clallam County, having been removed from their homes, also may find themselves displaced from their schools, their friends and their familiar hangouts this year.
That’s because of a lack of foster homes in Clallam County, which means that the teens must be sent to nearby counties.
The need for foster families always is great, Colleen Robinson of Families for Kids said Wednesday, but it’s critical now for teens.
Families for Kids, a division of Lutheran Community Services NW, recruits and works to retain foster homes in Washington.
Of 71 licensed foster homes in Forks, Port Angeles and Sequim, only 20 are eligible to take adolescents.
Even places in those homes may have been filled by younger children, Robinson said.
Five other homes for teens closed in the last several months because of circumstances such as marriage or moving changed the foster families.