PORT ANGELES — Two truck batteries were stolen from a Pen-West Contractors facility early Thursday morning.
Paul Galgano, Pen-West owner, said the thieves stole the batteries from a dump truck and company pickup truck at the company’s facility on U.S. Highway 101 west of Port Angeles.
Galgano said he discovered the theft when he tried to start the trucks that morning.
“I was upset,” he said.
“If they keep coming in and taking stuff, it could cost me a lot of money.”
About a month ago, Galgano said thieves siphoned about five gallons of gas from a vehicle at the facility.
Galgano said the thieves cut a hole through his company’s chain-link fence.
On Sept. 11, two batteries were discovered stolen from a county roads crew street sweeper.
Ross Tyler, county engineer, said thieves can get about $80 for the batteries.
Galgano said he is removing the batteries from his vehicles at night to prevent further theft.