PORT ANGELES — An underage customer sent to test retailers tried to buy tobacco products at 14 Port Angeles stores on March 9.
None of the retailers sold cigarettes to the minor sent into the stores by Clallam County during the checks for compliance with the law.
“That’s very good,” said Jill Dole, Clallam County tobacco prevention specialist.
Sets the tone
The perfect success rate in Port Angeles sets a strong tone for the annual compliance checks throughout Clallam County. Compliance checks are required by the state Department of Health.
In the coming weeks and months, an undercover 15- or 16-year-old will try to buy tobacco from another 36 stores across the county.
Dole is visiting and phoning those stores reminding tobacco retailers about the compliance checks.
“Tobacco retailers should be careful anyway,” Dole said.
It is illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone younger than 18.
A federal law known as the Synar Amendment requires all 50 states to conduct random compliance checks with tobacco retailers every year, Dole said.
Last year, the Clallam County Tobacco Prevention and Control Program found that 43 of 48 tobacco retailers in Clallam County followed the law against selling cigarettes to minors.
Retailers that don’t sell tobacco to underage youth receive a certificate of appreciation.
Stores that do sell cigarettes to kids are slapped with a fine from the state Liquor Control Board. Fines are based on the number of underage sales in a two-year period.
Stores that sell tobacco to minors are subject to:
• A $100 fine to the store owner on first offense. The clerk who sells the tobacco also gets a $50 fine.
• A $300 fine to the store owner on second offense.
• A $1,000 fine and a six-month tobacco license suspension on third offense.
• A $1,500 fine and a one-year tobacco license suspension on fourth offense.
• Permanent tobacco license revocation on fifth offense.
Since Washington state initiated a tobacco prevention program in 2000, the number of youth smokers has been cut in half, Dole said.
“Keeping tobacco products out of the hands of youth helps prevent young people from getting addicted to nicotine,” said Dr. Tom Locke, public health officer for Clallam and Jefferson counties.
In compliance
The Port Angeles businesses that refused to sell tobacco to minors in the first round of compliance checks were Rite Aid No. 5257, Arco ampm, Liquid Fuels, PA Chevron, McPhee’s Parkway Grocery, P&K Deli Mart, Lovell Road Runner 76, Safeway Fuel No. 1492, Safeway Store No. 1492, S.V. Market at Reino, Faswan Valero, Walgreens No. 11215, Smoke & Smoke and Gateway.
For more information about tobacco prevention efforts in Clallam County, phone Dole at 360-565-2608.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at rob.ollikainen@peninsuladailynews.com.