PORT ANGELES — The traffic signals at the intersection of Golf Course Road and U.S. Highway 101 in Port Angeles will be out of service Tuesday morning for about two hours starting at 6 a.m.
During the outage, contractors will continue work on the city’s signal controller upgrade project, according to a news release on the city’s website.
No temporary signals will be in place during the outage. Instead, uniformed police officers will direct traffic.
During the outage, Golf Course Road will not be accessible from Highway 101. Eastbound traffic will be detoured via Penn Street and Third Street while westbound traffic will be detoured via Ennis Street onto First Street and then onto the eastbound detour.
A map of the detour is posted at www.cityofpa.us//CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1755.
Northbound traffic on Penn Street will be restricted to right turns only at the intersection with First Street during the outage.
For more information, call the Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department at 360-417-4800 or email publicworks@cityofpa.us.