PORT ANGELES — Plastic wands like those that separate oncoming traffic on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge could be installed on U.S. Highway 101’s “S” curve east of Port Angeles as a short-term solution.
Lloyd Brown, a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation, said Friday that the department will propose the solution at the Highway 101 Safety Project Steering Committee meeting on Tuesday.
Although the decision would be the department’s to make, Brown said it is important to involve the local group.
Although the wands may not be a permanent solution to preventing accidents on the stretch of highway, Brown said it’s a solution that could be done soon, be within the department’s budget and accomplished without changing the roadway.
“This allows us to get something out on the roadway that will help the situation,” Brown said.
“It would be a pretty quick project.”
Brown said that he did not know how long it would take to complete.
$20,000 to $30,000 cost
However, the cost would be about $20,000 to $30,000, money that is available in the department’s current budget, Brown said.