PORT ANGELES — Alan Burwell of Windermere Real Estate Sequim-SunLand and Roger Rheninheimer of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co. in Port Angeles are making and selling kitchen cutting boards to raise money for Pink Up Port Angeles.
They have raised $700 so far. They donate all materials and their time so 100 percent of funds benefit Pink Up.
Pink Up supports Operation Uplift, a Peninsulawide nonprofit that provides free cancer screenings in addition to other help and information for people with cancer.
Burwell has donated other handmade products to organizations raising funds for community causes.
He has made Adirondack chairs, barbecue stands, wine bottle stoppers and potting benches.
Three years ago, Burwell could barely use one of his hands due to illness. He recovered his motor skills by playing pool and doing more woodworking projects.
Contact Burwell at 360-460-0790 or alanb@olypen.com; Rheinheimer at 360-808-7107 or rrheinheimer@ccmclending.com.