PORT ANGELES — Two Sequim-area residents pleaded guilty to one count each of first-degree theft after reportedly hatching a plan to rob a woman of $84.
Richard Lee Hedrich, 24, pleaded guilty Monday while 28-year-old Michelle Patricia McNeill turned in her guilty plea last week in connection with a planned robbery that began in the parking lot of Marlyn Nelson County Park at Port Williams, a Clallam County park northeast of Sequim, in November.
Hedrich will serve 18 days in jail, according to sentencing documents filed in Clallam County Superior Court, and pay $373.56 in court-related costs.
McNeill must perform 240 hours of community service and pay $1,300 in court-associated costs.
Restitution to the victim of the theft will be determined during court hearings in the coming months.
According to police reports filed in the case, Hedrich and McNeill reportedly planned for the theft to happen after they drove separately to the county park the afternoon of Nov. 15.
Once there, Hedrich, who had gotten a ride from the victim, threatened her and McNeill with a BB gun and took the victim’s purse.
McNeill later told Clallam County sheriff’s deputies she knew she wasn’t in any danger.
Hedrich did not find the $84 in cash he and McNeill were seeking, McNeill told deputies, so McNeill arranged with other associates to rob the victim outside the victim’s home after McNeill had driven her there later that day.
McNeill told police Hedrich was not involved in the second theft attempt.
Reporter Jeremy Schwartz can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 5074, or at jschwartz@peninsuladailynews.com.