PORT ANGELES — The North Olympic Salmon Coalition seeks volunteers for a weed-removal party at Morse Creek from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.
Volunteers will remove invasive butterfly bush encroaching on the Morse Creek restoration site.
In 2010, the coalition and its partners restored more than a half-mile of Morse Creek upstream from U.S. Highway 101, said Reed Aubin, program manager for education, outreach and volunteers for the group.
Since then, butterfly bush, which the state has listed as a noxious weed, has begun to take hold in the gravel bars of the creek, Aubin said.
“This project will ensure the health of the Morse Creek channel,” said Rebecca Benjamin, the coalition’s executive director.
“If left uncontrolled, butterfly bush can choke the gravel bars of this otherwise highly functional stream.”
Volunteers are asked to wear long pants and comfortable work shoes and bring water and lunch.
The coalition will provide tools, gloves and light refreshments.
To attend, and to receive parking instructions, contact Kim Clark, project manager at kclark@nosc.org or 360-504-5646.