PORT ANGELES — A precautionary boil-water advisory for some residents in east Port Angeles has been lifted after tests showed the water is safe to drink.
Those living near the area of a 20-inch water main break on Golf Course Road near Melody Lane had been cautioned late Thursday to boil drinking water while city crews worked to repair a 20-inch water main.
The repair was finished early Friday morning and a sample of the water sent out for testing, said Public Works Director Thomas Hunter.
Test results received Saturday afternoon showed that the water is safe to drink.
City crews that afternoon were out placing door hangers announcing that fact on homes in the affected areas of Melody Lane, Melody Circle and Village Circle as well as some residences on Brown Road, Round Tree Road, Golf Course Road, Fernwood Lane, Woodhaven Lane, Mount Pleasant Road, Maddock Road, Pearce Road, Monroe Road and above Lindberg Road off Golf Course Road.
The leak, which was reported to City Hall late Wednesday, was in an old concrete pipe some 12-feet deep, Hunter said.
Crews worked all day Thursday into the early morning hours of Friday to repair it.
Leaks can start out small but if the pipe has other weaknesses, the leak can widen, Hunter said. That results in water pooling under the pipe, allowing it to shift as it settles.
He did not know what caused the break in the pipe.