PORT ANGELES — Water service was restored to 28 affected homes near Ninth and Oak streets in Port Angeles following a break in the city’s 10-inch water main.
Service was restored at midnight Tuesday and the streets were reopened to traffic, according to a press release from the city of Port Angeles.
The water main break was discovered at 2:47 p.m. Monday.
A precautionary boil water notice was issued to the homes in the vicinity, and those residents should use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking, cooking, making ice or brushing teeth.
Impacted residents were notified via door hanger on Monday.
The city expects water sample test results today.
When satisfactory results have been received, the boil water notice will be lifted. Impacted customers will be notified by door hanger.
If residents experience discolored water, they can flush their water lines by running water in a bathtub or faucet until the water runs clear.
Those with questions about their water service can contact the city’s public works and utilities department at 360-417- 4800 or publicworks@cityofpa.us.
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