“Today” and “tonight” in this report are Friday, Aug. 16. Saturday and Sunday are Aug. 17-18.
PORT ANGELES — It’s harvest time, Sarah Tucker declares, at Studio Bob’s two fields of play.
Tucker is manager of the Alle Stage, a space for experimental theater and performance art, and publicist for The Loom, the adjacent bar. At both venues inside Studio Bob at 118½ E. Front St., “creative ventures have taken root and are flourishing,” Tucker said.
Tonight on the Alle Stage, for example, a 24-hour theater project will begin. This means actors and scene writers of all levels are invited to gather at 8 p.m., from which time they will craft an original play with producer John Manno and director Annie La Fritz.
After 24 hours of writing and rehearsing, a performance of the play is set for 8 p.m. Saturday on the Alle Stage, with admission a suggested donation of $5 to $10.
At The Loom, a lounge space next to the stage, “Drink and Draw” happens from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. each Thursday. This activity has clothed models posing for 20 minutes each, art supplies provided and several kinds of beverages, including the non-alcoholic ones.
Drink and Draw has no cover charge and, Tucker noted, “is being attended by skilled local artists as well as out-of-towners and novice art students.”
Also at The Loom, every third Wednesday is Life Drawing night with a nude model. This coming Wednesday, Aug. 21, the Studio Bob doors will open at 6 p.m.; admission for artists will be $10, or $5 for students. Doors will be locked at
6:30 p.m. and art-making will continue till 8:30 p.m.
The stage fires up again at 8 p.m. next Saturday, Aug. 24, as dancer Merryn Welch, master of ceremonies Richard Stephens and a collection of music-makers and performance artists present “Sideshow: Mutiny on the Alle Stage.”
Admission to this all-ages event will be $10 — or $8 for those who arrive in their finest steampunk attire.
To find out more about various activities at Studio Bob, visit the Alle Stage page on Facebook or email Tucker at Sarah@TuckerArt.com.