Sophia Murphy, 8, of Port Angeles walks around the show ring with her alpaca, Julie, during Saturday’s alpaca costume parade at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Sophia Murphy, 8, of Port Angeles walks around the show ring with her alpaca, Julie, during Saturday’s alpaca costume parade at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Weekend at the fair

Sophia Murphy, 8, of Port Angeles walks around the show ring with her alpaca, Julie, during Saturday’s alpaca costume parade at the Clallam County Fair.

Cole Anderson, 14, of Port Angeles, a member of the East Clallam Livestock 4H Club, shows off his Angus-cross steer, Oreo, in the Clallam County Fair auction ring on Saturday. The 1,200-pound steer fetched $10.50 per pound at the sale. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Cole Anderson, 14, of Port Angeles, a member of the East Clallam Livestock 4H Club, shows off his Angus-cross steer, Oreo, in the Clallam County Fair auction ring on Saturday. The 1,200-pound steer fetched $10.50 per pound at the sale. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Katelynn Sharpe, 14, of Sequim, representing the Neon Riders 4H Club, gallops her horse, Zoe, around the show ring as a warmup before judging on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Katelynn Sharpe, 14, of Sequim, representing the Neon Riders 4H Club, gallops her horse, Zoe, around the show ring as a warmup before judging on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Alice Rasmussen, 8, of Forks, a member of the Happy Tails 4H Club, takes her dog, Reba, a mini Labradoodle, around an obedience course during a show on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Alice Rasmussen, 8, of Forks, a member of the Happy Tails 4H Club, takes her dog, Reba, a mini Labradoodle, around an obedience course during a show on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Sequim musician Buck Ellard performs on the Sunny Farms Stage on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Sequim musician Buck Ellard performs on the Sunny Farms Stage on Saturday at the Clallam County Fair. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

A pig named Buttercup snoozes in its pen in the swine barn at the Clallam County Fair on Saturday. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

A pig named Buttercup snoozes in its pen in the swine barn at the Clallam County Fair on Saturday. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

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Duke Sawtel of Olympia trims tree branches that interfere with power lines along Washington Street in Port Townsend. The Asplundh Tree Trimming company was hired by the Jefferson County PUD for the job. (Steve Mullensky/for Peninsula Daily News)
Tree trimming

Duke Sawtel of Olympia trims tree branches that interfere with power lines… Continue reading

Clallam Transit grant for purchase of new buses could be on hold

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Karyn Stillwell cold plunging in Alaska. (Karyn Stillwell)
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Levi Oravetz, 9, and his father Adam Oravetz put pre-measured rice and lentils into a funnel to be packaged for families in Ecuador. More than 100 volunteers from Independent Bible Church of Port Angeles packed 65,000 meals on Saturday. Almost $23,000 was raised by the church to buy the supplies. (Dave Logan/for Peninsula Daily News)
Meals for Ecuador

Levi Oravetz, 9, and his father Adam Oravetz put pre-measured rice and… Continue reading

Comment now open on whale hunt

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Clallam awards $10,800 in historical grants

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Port Townsend council approves funding to repave city’s Tyler Street

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A Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction one-day record was set on Saturday with $75,000 and an all-time record with auction items and cash donations totaled $218,002. The funds raised will go to Forks High School graduates for college and trade school scholarships. Forks High School class of 2025 seniors, in the yellow shirts, mill about the crowd, showing off auction items. Guest auctioneer Elliott Mann takes bids from the audience. Almost 900 items were auctioned during the two-day event. (Christi Baron/Olympic Peninsula News Group)
New records set

A Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction one-day record was set on Saturday with… Continue reading

Mary Ann Dangman of Sequim reads a plant description at a vendor booth for One Earth Botanical of Camas at the 26th annual Soroptimist Gala Garden Show at the Sequim Boys & Girls Club. The event on Saturday featured numerous display and vendor booths devoted to plants, gardening and outdoor activities, as well as a slate of guest speakers and workshops. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Garden show

Mary Ann Dangman of Sequim reads a plant description at a vendor… Continue reading