WEEKEND: Other area events on North Olympic Peninsula

A library murder-mystery and butterfly wooing for gardeners are among the activities on the North Olympic Peninsula this weekend.

For more information about the “Guys and Dolls” show in Port Angeles and the “Evening with the Kingston Trio” in Sequim, as well as other arts and entertainment news, see Peninsula Spotlight, the Peninsula Daily News’ weekly entertainment guide, in today’s edition.

Antique cars in Clallam

The Sea-Tac Horseless Carriage Club will tour Clallam County this weekend during the 60th anniversary of Red Carpet Tours.

The club’s 60 or so drivers of antique cars are headquartered at the Red Lion Hotel in Port Angeles and will tour areas near Sequim and Port Angeles, as well as drive out to participate in the Clallam Bay-Sekiu Fun Days.


‘Lunch in the Garden’

PORT ANGELES — Home gardeners can get advice from local experts about vegetable gardening during today’s installment of the “Lunch in the Garden” educational series.

The free event will be from noon to 1 p.m. at the Fifth Street Community Garden, 325 E. Fifth St.

“Lunch in the Garden” is sponsored by Washington State University Clallam County Master Gardeners the second Friday of each month through September.

Each month, local Master Gardeners lead a one-hour walk through a community garden to show which vegetables grow well on the North Olympic Peninsula and share recipes that use fresh produce and locally grown herbs.

Today, Master Gardeners Laurel Moulton and Jeanette Stehr-Green will talk about proper watering, renovation of June-bearing strawberry beds, edible flowers and fall/winter gardens.

Barbara Heckard will tell about growing and using rosemary.

For more information about “Lunch in the Garden,” phone 360-565-2679.

Bring Your Own Art

PORT ANGELES — Studio Bob, 118½ E. Front St., will hold a free public reception for the opening of its 13th semiannual Bring Your Own Art (BYOA) exhibition from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday.

The exhibition also will be open Sunday from noon to 3 p.m.

Then, through the end of this month, the exhibition is open Thursdays and Fridays from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Basecamp series

PORT ANGELES — Meredith Parker, general manager of the Makah Cultural and Research Museum, will talk about the Ozette archaeological dig and the Makah Museum from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. today.

Her presentation, “Ozette Dig and Makah Museum,” will be at the Red Lion Hotel, 221 N. Lincoln St.

It is part of the Basecamp Adventure Talk series, a series of free talks that the hotel launched to showcase the outdoor activities and locations that can be explored on the Olympic Peninsula throughout the summer.

Speakers will include ecologists, tour guides, storytellers, filmmakers, historians, anglers and mountaineers.

Light hors d’oeuvres will be served, and Happy Hour “Basecamp” drink specials will be offered.

The upcoming schedule for Basecamp Adventure Talks is:

■ Chris Gutmacher and Andy Stevenson, co-presidents of the Peninsula Trails Coalition, will discuss “The Olympic Discovery Trail” on July 19.

■ Kathy Monds, Clallam County Historical Society director, will speak on a to-be-determined topic July 26.

Library murder-mystery

PORT ANGELES — A murder-mystery play will provide a different approach to the quarterly Art Blast opening at the Port Angeles Library today.

“Framed at the Art Blast” will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the library, 2210 S. Peabody St.

As usual, there will be music. Jazz songbird Sarah Shea and her band, Chez Jazz, will be waiting to take the stage with guest vocalist Starr Rising, who’s about to make her debut.

Then, the mystery will be laid out in a performance of a script written by library staff.

Guests to the Art Blast — the opening party for the library’s new display of works by local artists Peggy Wesley, Scott Erickson, Dee Colores, Randolph Foster, Sky Heatherton and Jeff Becker — can find any of seven clues to the mystery while they mingle.

“Framed” will run about 90 minutes with a refreshment break, and at the end, audience members will be asked to cast votes for who they believe is the guilty party.

For more information, phone 360-417-8500 or visit the North Olympic Library System online at www.NOLS.org.

Kids’ musician to play

PORT ANGELES — Musician Johnny Bregar will perform at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., at 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

The performance is part of Dig Into Reading, the North Olympic Library System’s summer reading program.

His songs are about everyday life as a child. His music has received positive reviews from NPR’s “All Things Considered” as well as ParentMap, Zooglobble.com and Parenting magazine.

The library system oversees public libraries in Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks and Clallam Bay.

For more information about the reading program, visit www.nols.org, phone the library at 360-417-8502 or email kids@nols.org.

Bake sale benefit

PORT ANGELES — A bake sale benefit hosted by the Joyce Fire Department Auxiliary is set for Swain’s General Store, 602 E. First St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

Auxiliary members are raising funds to purchase a four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle for use in improving response time on backcountry terrain rescues.

Specialty breads, cakes and cookies will be laid out on a table staffed by auxiliary members Donna Buck, Barbara Cash, Chris Gutmacher and Shirley Coker.

An authentic “Fireman’s Boot” will collect donations.

The auxiliary also provides scholarships for the Fire District No. 4 Junior Fire Fighters Program.

Car wash slated

PORT ANGELES — The Answer For Youth will hold a car wash at Angeles Pawn, across from Swain’s at 619 E. First St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.

The group will wash motor homes with prior arrangement.

Proceeds from the fundraiser will support services for homeless youths in the community.

For more, phone 360-670-4363.


Book discussion

SEQUIM — Mark Haddon’s novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time will be discussed at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave., at 3 p.m. Saturday.

The novel’s protagonist and narrator, Christopher John Francis Boone, knows all the countries of the world and their capitals, and every prime number up to 7,057.

He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions.

The book details Christopher’s investigation into the suspicious death of a neighborhood dog, making for a captivating, unusual and widely heralded novel.

Copies of the book, including audio and downloadable e-book formats, are available at the library.

Preregistration for this program is not required, and drop-ins are welcome.

For more information on programs, visit www.nols.org or phone branch manager Lauren Dahlgren at 360-683-1161.

Orchestra concert

SEQUIM — The Sequim Community Orchestra will present its final concert of the season at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave., at 7 tonight.

Orchestra members will perform works by Berlioz, Dvorak, Mozart, Saint-Saens and Vaughn Williams.

Admission is free, but donations are accepted.

For more information, contact Lili Green at 360-681-5469 or legreenmusic@gmail.com, or Phil Morgan-Ellis at pcellis@gmail.com.

Friends book sale

SEQUIM — The Friends of Sequim Library will hold its monthly book sale Saturday at the Friends building behind the Sequim Library at 630 N. Sequim Ave.

There will be a sale for members only inside the building from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. The inside sale will then be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Outside sale areas on the north and south sides of the building will be open to all beginning at 8 a.m.

Memberships may be purchased at the sale.

Featured this month are self-help, religion and history books.

The Friends of the Sequim Library also have received a large donation of VHS tapes of all sorts: action movies, children’s, dramas, comedy and documentaries.

A buck-a-bag promotion for outside items begins at noon.

Proceeds from the sale fund programs at the Sequim Library.

Ice-cream social

SEQUIM — The Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, will hold an ice-cream social from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Banana splits or sundaes will be available for $5.

Proceeds will benefit the Northwest Wildlife & Raptor Center.

The center will have some of its birds available for viewing during the social.

For more information, phone Shelley Smith at 360-681-3881.

Butterfly gardening

SEQUIM — Veteran Washington State University Clallam County Master Gardener Rosalie Preble will provide tips for making home gardens more hospitable for butterflies during a talk at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden, 2711 Woodcock Road, at 10 a.m. Saturday.

Preble will identify butterflies commonly found in Clallam County and discuss butterfly habitat, including host and nectar plants.

She also will explain the needs of butterflies at each stage of their life cycles.

Preble has gardened in Clallam County for 16 years and is a recipient of the Golden Trowel Award for her longtime achievements and contribution to the Clallam County Master Gardeners.

The presentation is free and open to the public; however, donations to help offset copying costs for handouts are accepted.

It is part of the Master Gardeners “Class Act at Woodcock Garden” series.

For more information, phone 360-417-2279.

Volkssport club outing

SEQUIM — The Olympic Peninsula Explorers Volkssport Club invites members of the public to join club members for a hike from Railroad Bridge Park to Robin Hill Park on Saturday.

Hikers have the option of taking a 7.5- or 3.1-mile route. Both trails are rated 1A, an easy hike.

The group will meet at the QFC in Sequim, 990-B E. Washington St., at 9 a.m. and then carpool to the starting point on the Discovery Trail.

Strollers and wheelchairs are welcome. Pets must be on a leash.

Cub Scout car wash

SEQUIM — Cub Scouts from packs 4101, 4102 and 4103 will hold a car wash benefit in front of Domino’s Pizza, 755 W. Washington St., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

The Scouts are raising money for a new pinewood derby race car track.

Car washes will be available by donation.

To donate, phone Janell Heintz at 360-683-4921.

Show and tell

SEQUIM — Sequim Seventh-day Adventist Church, 30 Sanford Lane, will host a “show-and-tell extravaganza” from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Exhibits at Hobbie & More include sculpture, artwork, homemade items, converted lawn mowers and antique cars.

Food will be available for purchase.

Activities for children will include a puppeteer and free balloons.


Screen for toxins

PORT TOWNSEND — A chance to check if children’s toys, bedroom pillows or other household items have flame retardants or hidden toxic compounds will be hosted by the Port Townsend Marine Science Center on Saturday.

“X Out Toxics” will be conducted from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center’s Natural History Exhibit at Fort Worden State Park.

People can bring items and get them scanned by an XRF Analyzer.

The event is free, with standard admission to the exhibits: $5 for adults, $3 for youths and free to marine science center members.

The portable XRF Analyzer, formerly confined to laboratory use, safely uses X-ray fluorescence to detect certain chemical elements such as lead and other heavy metals, bromine (indicating the presence of brominated flame retardants) and chlorine (indicating the presence of PVC/vinyl).

For more information, phone 360-385-5582, email info@ptmsc.org or visit www.ptmsc.org.

Grange dance

PORT TOWNSEND — Kristin, Otto and Friends will provide the tunes and Eric Curl will call the dances at a contra dance at Quimper Grange, 1219 Corona St., on Saturday.

The dance will begin at 7:30 p.m. and end at about 10:30 p.m.

Admission is $6 for adults, $3 for ages 3-18 and free for 3 and younger.

For more information, visit www.ptcommunitydance.blogspot.com.

Cash for Gold

PORT LUDLOW — “Cash for Gold” is planned at the Beach Club, 121 Marina View Drive, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday.

Attendees will be paid cash for broken or unused gold, silver or other precious metal jewelry, gold or silver coins, sterling silver flatware, hollowware and other precious metal items.

There will be a $25 admission fee that will be returned if the attendee sells his or her items.

Ten percent of the proceeds will be donated to the Community Enrichment Alliance’s scholarship fund.

Solar home tour

PORT TOWNSEND — Power Trip Energy Corp. will present the Jefferson Solar Home Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

The event will begin at the Power Trip Energy office, 83 Denny Ave., at 10 a.m. with a presentation called “Solar 101: Spinning Your Meter Backwards.”

Power Trip staff will give an overview of the different types of solar technology, as well as pricing information and performance estimates for solar homes on the Olympic Peninsula.

At 11 a.m., guests will depart on a tour of four Port Townsend homes that have had solar technology installed by the company.

“The real value is in talking to homeowners who are already using and benefiting from solar in their homes,” said Andy Cochrane, Power Trip Energy president.

This is the 11th consecutive year for the Jefferson Solar Home tour.

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