NOTE: “Today” and “tonight” refer to Friday, July 17.
LAPUSH — For three days this weekend, the Quileute tribe will share with visitors Quileute Days, a celebration of its cultural heritage and modern identity with traditional games, food and dancing, along with contemporary entertainment.
The festival in LaPush — open to the public — will begin with an hourlong opening ceremony featuring traditional dances and songs at 3 p.m. today at the A-Ka-Lat Community Center at the entrance to LaPush.
It will continue until 4 p.m. Sunday with the final canoe races.
Entrance to all activities is free, unless otherwise noted.
Quileute Days is conducted mostly on the main street of LaPush, which is about 12 miles west of Forks on state Highway 110, located on the Pacific Coast at the mouth of the Quillayute River.
Popular events introduced in the last few years will return, including two street dances, a scavenger hunt and a three-on-three basketball tournament.
The three-on-three basketball tournament will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday at the A-Ka-Lat Center.
At 4 p.m. that day, a scavenger hunt will start at the Quileute Tribal Building.
No additional information on the scavenger hunt will be released until just before the hunt, at which time participants will receive additional instructions.
The Main Street dance party will be held two nights — tonight and Saturday — at the stage on Main Street.
DJ Camello, billed as Forks’ finest DJ, will host the late-night street dances from 10 p.m. to midnight.
Saturday’s activities will be full of variety, including softball, a parade down Main Street, canoes races, salmon baked in the traditional way and horseshoes.
Vendors will sell arts and crafts. The salmon bake will provide a big piece of salmon, potato salad and a full plate of side dishes.
A salmon bake plate costs $15, or $25 for two.
As usual, the tribe will host a fireworks show at 10 p.m. Saturday at First Beach.
Fireworks will be shot over the water, while visitors will be seated on the beach.
On Sunday, the weekend will be capped with a fun run, more softball, stick games and canoes races.
For more information, visit or phone 360-374-5091.
Reporter Arwyn Rice can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 5070, or at